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This home was most recently listed for sale with MLS #2200097436 by the real estate brokerage company Modern Way Realty LLC with an original listing date of December 1, 2020 and is currently indicating a status of Sold in the local Multiple Listing Service. 1 0. lykes. "now":n<60?n.toString()+"s":a<60?a.toString()+"m":o<24?o.toString()+"h":i<7?i.toString()+"d":s<5?s.toString()+"w":l.toString()+"mo"}},getAgoFriendly:function(e){var;if(e){var r=t-e.getTime(),n=Math.round(r/1e3),a=Math.round(n/60),o=Math.round(a/60),i=Math.round(o/24);return n<0?"Today":n<60?"Today":a<60?"Today":o<24?"Today":o>=24&&o<48?"Yesterday":i<7? Rent: {{averageRent.dollars}}

{{/with}} {{#with property}}

Property Summary

{{#if propertyType}}

Type: {{propertyType}}

{{/if}} {{#if yearBuilt}}

Year Built: {{yearBuilt}}

{{/if}} {{#if rent}}

Rent Estimate: {{rent.dollars}}

{{/if}} {{#if taxEst}}

Tax Estimate: {{taxEst.dollars}}

{{/if}} {{#if lastSaleDate}}

Last Sale Date: {{lastSaleDate.monthDayYear}}

{{/if}} {{#if lastSalePrice}}

Last Sale Price: {{lastSalePrice.dollars}}

{{/if}} {{#if lotSize}}

Lot Size: {{lotSize.string}} {{lotSize.label}}

{{/if}} {{#if construction}}

Construction: {{construction}}

{{/if}} {{#if propertyStyle}}

Style: {{propertyStyle}}

{{/if}} {{#if addressStories}}

Stories: {{addressStories.raw}}

{{/if}} {{#if storiesText}}

Stories: {{{storiesText}}}

{{/if}} {{#and rooms rooms.raw}}

Rooms: {{rooms.raw}}

{{/and}} {{#if parking}}

Parking: {{parking}}

{{/if}} {{#if parkingSpaces}}

Parking Spaces: {{parkingSpaces.raw}}

{{/if}} {{#if fireplaces}}

Fireplaces: {{fireplaces.commas}}

{{/if}} {{#if pool}}

Pool: {{pool}}

{{/if}} {{#if exterior}}

Exterior: {{exterior}}

{{/if}} {{#if foundation}}

Foundation: {{foundation}}

{{/if}} {{#if roof}}

Roof: {{roof}}

{{/if}} {{#if heating}}

Heating: {{heating}}

{{/if}} {{#if ac}}

AC: {{ac}}

{{/if}} {{#if elevator}}

Elevator: {{elevator}}

{{/if}} {{#if basement}}

Basement: {{basement}}

{{/if}} {{#if addressName}}

Property: {{addressName}}

{{/if}} {{#with @root/data/building}}

Residential Building: See All Units

{{/with}} {{#with listing}}

Property Summary

{{#if propertyType}}

Type: {{propertyType}} {{#if townhouseType}}({{townhouseType}}){{/if}}

{{/if}} {{#if propertyStyle}}

Style: {{propertyStyle}}

{{/if}} {{#if model}}

Model: {{model}}

{{/if}} {{#if yearBuilt}}

Year Built: {{yearBuilt}}

{{/if}} {{#if taxes}}

Est. //# sourceMappingURL=// "33px":"30px",whiteSpace:"nowrap"},labelAnchor:new google.maps.Point(15,7),icon:E(o.fill,o.stroke,a)});return google.maps.event.addListener(l,"click",function(){ie.fitBounds(n)}),l}function f(){if(Ke.polygon.polygon){if(Array.isArray(Ke.polygon.polygon))for(var e=0;e4||Math.abs(u.y-o)>4){var,i.y+(,c);d.getPath().push(new google.maps.LatLng(,a.lng)),u=u||{},u.x=t,u.y=o}return!1},n=function t(n){n.stopPropagation(),n.preventDefault(),document.removeEventListener("touchend"===n.type?"touchmove":"mousemove",a),document.removeEventListener("touchend"===n.type? 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Listing Courtesy of Modern Way Realty LLC. //# sourceMappingURL=// 213 Secondary Address Unit Designators. (clearTimeout(n),n=null,e.classList.remove("layers-expanded"),t&&t.length&&(t[1]&&(t[1].tabIndex=-1),t[2]&&(t[2].tabIndex=-1))):(e.classList.add("layers-expanded"),t&&t.length&&(t[1]&&(t[1].tabIndex=-1),t[2]&&(t[2].tabIndex=-1)),n=setTimeout(function(){e.classList.remove("layers-expanded")},3e4))})}function U(e,t,o){var a=document.createElement("div");a.className="school-btn bs4--rounded-circle mr-20",o&&a.classList.add("layers-fab-btn"),e.appendChild(a);var n=document.createElement("button");o&&(n.tabIndex="-1"),n.className="bs4--mt-auto bs4--border-0 bs4--bg-transparent",n.innerHTML="Schools",a.appendChild(n),n.title="Show/Hide schools",google.maps.event.addDomListener(n,"click",function(){var e=! A secondary suite could be a basement suite, laneway house, or other unit that is on the same property as a residential house. 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2020 timing light rental